Sunday, 24 November 2013

Intimidated men, cowed women

As I like saying, purpose is most important thing that a man, especially the male men, should have. For it is by purpose that man find meaning in their life, whether at the top of the corporate ladder or at the fringes of society. 

Purpose gives direction from man is today to where they ought to be in future. It is born out vision, the dreamt end.  

You may ask as to what does this which I have said have to do with intimidated men. You may wonder what do I mean by "intimidated" men and how does clarity of purpose assist in dealing with the intimidated nature of many men? 

We are living in a society that is experiencing major changes in all fields of life, from politics to the economy or business, from security to social conditions of living, from the schools to churches and from culture to culture. 

As our world become globally integrated, as means of communication expanding putting us into touch many different cultures or ways of living, as consumerism and indebtedness spread though the world, the world familiar to men is also turning upside down. 

This is because by creation man, especially male man, wants to feel that they are in control of circumstances around them. It is in the inner part of his being to have means and ways to putting everything around under his rulership. 

Whether or not they are conscious of this, men are always responding to the promise of creation that mankind will rule over earth. The question men have to keep in mind is whether they respond correctly to this promise. 

But because we as men often do not have a clear understanding of the meaning of the promise rulership, we think it is only men who must rule and that we should prevent women from taking charge too. We think it is about ruling over rather than with them. 

As Dr Myles Munroe says in his book, Understanding the Power and Purpose of  Men, wrong interpretation of man and male man's role in as fathers, husbands and brothers to women to mean that they must dominate, suppress, abuse and harass women. 

This has led men to see women as objects for the gratification of their egos. On this basis, we men forceourselves   on women demanding submission, respect, honour and pleasure. 

We, men, have got to be confident without being arrogant. We've got to understand powerful women and confident men makesuccesful families and societies. We must understand that we were born to lead , not to dominate others. 

Leadership is to motivate abd inspire others by the strength of a vision (personal and organisational) and the fire of the passion for the mission. It is not to control, intimidate or suppress the other. We derive no drop of essence by demeaning others.

Men should, therefore, not be intimidated, neither should women sacrifice themselves to adjust themselves to intimidated men.   

What do you think? 

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